Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ear Shingles

School is back in session, the summer is winding down and all I have to say is, "Hallelujah!"  I say this for a variety of reasons, some of which are obvious (trying to keep a 12 year-old busy), but this year I have a particular reason for being happy to put the summer behind me.

On the evening of July 18, out of nowhere, I started hearing a beeping sound in my left ear, my implanted one.  I asked Noah and Tom if they heard it and they said, "you're probably hearing the Wii."  They were in the middle of fixing a connection problem and I was sitting close by watching.  I didn't think anything of it until I took my cochlear implant off and the beeping didn't go away.  It sounded like a heart monitor, like the ones you see in hospitals that beep to the rhythm of the patient's heart rate.  By the time I went to bed the beeping was louder and I wondered how I was going to sleep with this annoying, unrelenting sound in my ear.  I was used to complete silence when I slept!

The next day I decided to ask my group of hard-of-hearing friends if they had experienced anything like this.  The overwhelming response was, "Go see your ENT" (ear nose throat doctor).  The soonest I could get in was the next week, but it was worth it to see my ENT as he is known as the best in the area when it comes to ear problems.  

In the meantime, I did what many of us do these days...went to the internet in search of a possible diagnosis.  My symptoms matched those of a particular type of tinnitus called pulsatile tinnitus - hearing your own heartbeat.  Tinnitus is rather common, but this type of tinnitus is not.  The more I read about it the more I decided it was time to stop searching or I'd freak myself out.  

When I woke up two days later, on a Wednesday, the heartbeat sound was replaced by more common tinnitus sounds, like ringing and roaring.  I also noticed my ear ached a little bit.  That afternoon I began feeling like I had the stomach flu and had to cancel my plans to meet with two friends from out of town.  It was a good thing I did because I spent my evening throwing up and in bed through Thursday.  By Friday my face was sore, especially around the jawbone and around the eyes so I went to a local Primary Health thinking I probably had either a sinus or ear infection.  

The doctor saw a little bit of fluid in my left ear and prescribed antibiotics and anti-nausea medication.  Finally!  I was going to start feeling better.  I was relieved to finally have a diagnosis.

The following Monday I decided to keep my appointment with my ENT.  I described all the weird symptoms I had experienced to the nurse.  When the doctor came in, the first thing he did was ask me if the tinnitus and ache was on the side of my CI or hearing aid.  When I told him it was my implanted side, he then asked me which one I heard better with.  I had never been asked this before, but given the fact I can talk on the phone with my CI and not with my hearing aid, I told him probably my CI side.  I thought it was weird that he would ask me these questions, especially right off the bat.  

He had me lie down so he could look in my left ear.  After examining both ears he pulled me up and said my left ear was red and inflamed and had a couple of ulcer-type sores.  Then he said I was showing all the signs of having ear shingles.  I had never heard of such a thing so I was completely shocked.  That emotion was quickly followed by dread.  The mention of shingles meant one thing to me.  Pain.  Severe pain.  Tom, who had driven me there because of my vertigo issues, asked him how long it would take to get over it.  "Three months," the doctor said.  

Tom and I looked at each other without saying a word, but we both knew what the other was thinking -- would we still be able to go on our planned vacation to New York City?  

The doctor prescribed four medications and I started taking them as soon as I got home from the pharmacy.  I also stopped taking the antibiotic I didn't need.  A couple of days later I had a great day and even got out a little, but the very next day I had vertigo so bad I had to stay in bed all day.  I never developed the bad pain like I expected.  Instead, I had equilibrium issues that occasionally were severe enough it caused me to throw up.  After a week of it I was almost wishing I had the pain instead.

At my follow-up appointment the following week the doctor looked in my ear and said the sores were gone and it looked normal.  He said it was okay to fly and I should go ahead with my vacation plans.  Three days later we were all on our way to NYC.  

I'm thankful I went to the ENT when I did so I could start treatment before the ear shingles got any worse.  If not treated soon enough, the painful blister-like sores could have spread out of the ear and onto my face and I could have experienced paralysis on that side of my head.  Even though I lost about three weeks of my summer from ear shingles, I feel fortunate that I received treatment early and didn't experience severe pain.  My equilibrium issues will slowly get better over the next couple of months.  While our trip to NYC was one of our favorite vacations, I'm still happy that summer is almost over. 

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